Ahhh…Take a Deep Breath… and start your week off right. Beginning Sunday, January 26, 2020, 7-8 PM, and continuing the final Sunday of every month through June (Feb. 23, March 29, April 26, May 31, June 28) ACHS’ Josh Gleiner, PAC will be conducting classes/discussions on how to better manage life stress. By taking care of our minds and bodies we may experience less chronic disease, less frequent visits to the ‘doctor’s’ office, and the emergency room. Gleiner will focus on what stress is and what causes it, how our bodies respond and how we can all cope. Topics will include home vital sign monitoring, nutrition, movement, sleep, relaxation, breathing, meditation, self-hypnosis, creativity, and a variety of other lifestyle skills/modifications. The classes will be held at Dr. Fellner’s office at the River Gale office building in Franconia. ANYONE is welcome – you don’t have to be a patient of ACHS – all who could benefit are encouraged to attend. Many skills will be covered multiple times, so people can come to just one or two, or all, of the classes. It will be rolling, not sequential. To RSVP please visit and attend via the Facebook Event.
Depending on attendance and demand, we may add more sessions, change times or locations.